Juta 753 carpets are produced by hand weaving and sewing jute. These rugs are perfect for living rooms, studies, bedrooms and for those who particularly appreciate natural materials. Material: Jute 100%...
Juta 509 rugs are made of natural jute yarns and 50% jute with hand-woven cotton. They are ideal for rustic environments such as taverns, country houses or in all those environments where this rug is the ideal...
Juta J182 and Juta J183 rugs are made of hand-woven natural jute and cotton yarns. They are ideal for rustic environments such as taverns, country houses or in all those environments where this rug is the ideal...
Juta 233 rugs are made of natural jute yarns and 50% jute with hand-woven cotton. They are ideal for rustic environments such as taverns, country houses or in all those environments where this rug is the ideal...
Carpet suitable for kitchens - bathrooms - entrancescaptures dirt - absorbent - non-slipWashable 30 ° washing machineavailable colors: orange - redPossibility of customized sales.SEND YOUR MEASURES
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